Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Dear VISTA Leaders,

Greetings!  It is with much gratitude and excitement I am sharing my first entry through our JEK Speak blog.  Here are some ingredients that you may want to add to the mix of your own leadership recipe.

As we know, the ability to foster and sustain effective interpersonal relationships goes hand-in-hand with being an effective leader.  Today, there are so many models and so much literature related to this theme in leadership and personnel management fields.  In my quest to gain more knowledge and skills in this aspect, I have read and explored several models and reviewed considerable literature.  As I was reflecting and learning from these materials several months ago, I couldn’t help noticing six key elements promoted by most of the models and the literature.  I have compiled them and listed them here for your reflection, intellectual inquiry, and practical adaptation:

Six Keys to Establishing and Facilitating Effective Interpersonal                                                                          Relationships

#1 Review, clarify, and agree on roles and responsibilities, mission purpose and project goals.

#2 Examine and discuss each other’s work and personality styles, goals, dreams, strengths, weaknesses, energy boosters, and energy zappers.

#3 Identify and mutually establish work expectations and norms.

#4 Examine and discuss each other’s communication styles and preferences.

#5 Identify communication expectations and establish a mutually agreed upon communication, feedback, and conflict resolution strategy.

#6 Make mutual commitment to adhere to the agreements related to expectations and strategies.  Additionally, on a regular basis, reevaluate them and make adjustments as necessary.

As you would notice, I have not prescribed any specific tool that you could use for the different steps (for example, using an assessment tool such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator for some aspects of Key # 2).  The reason is that there are so many tools, both free and purchasable out there, you could choose based on your own needs, accessibility and affordability.  However, I am encouraging you to share any instruments and tools that you have used and would recommend for the different steps listed above, using the comments feature below this blog entry.

Thank you all for your genuine passion and sincere commitment to making your VISTAs’ year of service both meaningful and a growth experience!

With much respect and gratitude,
Kapila Wewegama

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